Thursday, May 3, 2007

annan and hidu

They say opposites attract, when you see these two you realize its partly true.They make a gr8 team always fighting and cursing the other,but still always together.Annan aka Jantok aka Joseph Anto K is an ernakulam resident who happened to share rooms with Arun B aka Hidumbi aka Umbesh kumar C P in the first year.However when it came to blows with the landlord(who happened to be one of our teachers) over the ever escalating rent, they decided to vacate and found themselves at the gates of Bethany, a students hostel.They have been roommates since and also stayed put for the last 3 years.they are both fun guys with a pronounced flair for appearing in campus stories.Annan is said to be the protector of the LHites, always lurking around the LH.While hidu is known for his blank expressions and dumb antics.Once when he was in school, in Malayalam class, the lesson was Mahabharata.The teacher read aloud something about Hidumbi the Asura, our boy hidu (who was dozing) thought the teacher called out his name(Hidumbi-Arun.B get it?) he stood up and said "Present".The class roared with laughter and the name stuck.
I find them to be decent guys , who always hang around our hostel,and to be frank better of the lot who treat lords as a govt guest house.Joseph is very particular abt his afternoon siesta and uses my roomie Rahul's bed almost regularly.Hidu also has penchant for making stories and his usual targets are me and could say we three are constantly thinking up ways to show the others down.
I wrote this cause i saw them the other day on Annans bike, and i couldn't help noticing how these two are always together ,and i know they are gonna be best friends for life.

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